(Jean-Marc Couffin)
September 11, 2024, 1:16pm
You should start by reading
Hello everyone!
This forum is a fantastic place to connect, learn, and troubleshoot together. To ensure that we make the most of this community, let’s go over some guidelines that will make seeking and offering help much smoother:
Search First: Before posting a new question, take a moment to search the forum. Someone might have already encountered a similar issue and found a solution.
Provide Details: When asking for help, be sure to include your code and configuration settings. Generic descr…
and maybe, to get you started much faster, join @ErikFrits course Learn Revit API - The Most Comprehensive Course for Beginners (I am not affiliated, we know each other, and I think its work is great)
or at list go through its free videos
And do not really too much on chatGPT to code from scratch, you won’t make friends on forum and won’t get the expected result if you don’t know a bit of the ins and outs of the Revit API or pyRevit